Darczyńcy: 29
Koniec zbiórki: 07.05.2020
2020-05-07 19:01:00
Karmel the Pirate is an older pooch who has had a tough life. He spent more than the last 2 years in an animal shelter. This significantly accelerated his aging. Then called Kaymack, he was losing lots of weight, and then there were eye problems. Winters in the shelter were a nightmare for him as his thin coat did not protect him from the cold. Larger dogs in the pen occupied the warmest kennels ...
But in times of plague a miracle happened and Kaymack, now called Carmel the Pirate found a foster home. Asia looked at him with her heart. She gave him love, time and the care he needed. On the first day home Kaymack collapsed. As if he knew he could let go now, because someone would take him to the vet. We fell into a vertigo of diagnoses, treatments and consultations with specialists. Blood, urine, feces, ultrasound, ECG, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, dentist. Drips at vet’s and at home. Something bad came up in tests everywhere. EVERYWHERE!
Among his many diagnoses, Karmel now fights with Glaucoma, gastritis, lamblia, cystitis, mitral regurgitation group 6 (advanced), inflammation in the eye, detached lens which means he will never see with his right eye, pellets in his belly and teeth in bad condition. Cachexia - severe muscle loss - is the first and general diagnosis. Karmel will have to take heart medicine for the rest of its life. Fortunately, love and care already are bringing first positive results.
The dog gained 2,5 kg/5 pounds within 2 weeks. There is significant improvement of his condition, the ribs are no longer visible, he is sleeping with his belly up, he feels safe. We already have vet bills amounting to about PLN 1,500 (approx. $360). This is a huge sum for us. The invoices have not yet been paid. Our debts are growing, and Karmel is waiting for his next vet visits and most probably further treatment. We cannot help him without your help. He has a wonderful foster home, but as usual, no money ... PLEASE SUPPORT US!
You can donate here using the DORZUĆ SIĘ button (it means DONATE) $1 roughly equals 4 zł(PLN)
OUR GOAL: 2000 ZŁ / $500
Darczyńcy: 29
Koniec zbiórki: 07.05.2020
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